Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The White Lake to Ikh Tamir

After our Marmot liver breakfast we left the lake and backtracked our way about 100km towards Ikh Tamir. Our original plan was to veer off the main track to follow minor tracks north of the route we took here. A problem with navigating here is that some tracks on our GPS are not there, some tracks that are there are not on our GPS and the same goes for the map we have. We were looking for the right valley to head east to our destination but it took us a while to realise we were a couple of kilometres off the track on a minor road. People make their own roads as the main ones deteriorate so the 'main' track may be spread across an area of a few kilometres being a conglomerate of many tracks rather than one. Because there are no fences anywhere, we just head in the direction we think we need to go and find a valley we think we should go up. As we follow it up there are winter stock shelters that are used to keep the stock alive during the -30 degree winters. The track disappears into nothing and we are riding through long grass and rocks again. We were trying to find a pass over the mountains but we just couldn't find any easy way even to get our little bikes over the range. Backtrack. Try another valley, but still no luck and its starting to rain and there is thunder and lightning around us. We gave up and cut overland towards the direction of the main track(s) i have just described. Once we find the track Alan realises that his rear luggage carrier has snapped in half near the supporting bolt causing his bike to bottom out badly all the time. We have tools but no spare bolts...hmm a bit of a problem as its very hard to ride like this and its quite a distance to the next town. As things seem to happen when you are stuck like this, a 4wd that is part of the Peking challenge (a fundraising rally that is travelling from Amsterdam to Beijing) pulls up and they have a bolt that fits perfectly. They have had a worse day then us as two of their group have rolled 4wd's in Mongolia so far, one just today. The occupants are ok though. We motor for Ikh Tamir after refitting the lost bolts, but will need to get the rack welded at some point. We didn't plan to stay at Ikh Tamir but it proved well, as we found a great secluded camping spot in some trees next to the river which was very beautiful. I wish i had my fishing rod because the spot reminds me of the Kiewa river in Mt Beauty (Unca Dave you would have appreciated this spot). >>Matt

1 comment:

mum said...

Dear Alan and Matthew,
You are certainly racking up the kms over there and the photos look wonderful. It's hard to believe that you will be back soon Matthew. Teija and Dad will meet you at the airport so let us know if any flight details change. Have had a busy and exhausting week moving to Warburton. We hired a 3 tonne truck with a hydraulic tray to shift all the heavy things. It has been raining all week which is great but this made it a little more difficult to shift things. We are still having trouble getting the phone connected. Telstra have given me 3 different numbers but none of them have worked! You'll just have to use our mobiles. Teija will be staying at the new house with us on Sunday night and we will take her to school on Monday. The views from the new house are fantastic. Genevieve will be coming up next Saturday 23rd August for lunch to see the new house and so we can catch up with her before she leaves to meet Alan for the Nepal trip. Everyone well here. I'm glad neither of you have suffered much with any stomach bugs etc. as it certainly sounds like there's lots of potential for such things. Take care,
Love Mum